February 14, 2008

Paolo ja Francesca - Danten Helvetin rakastavaiset

Alla oleva teksti on kirjasta Seven Nights: Jorge Luis Borges - luentoja, osa The Divine Comedy.

Borges kirjoittaa:
'To digress for a moment I would like to recall a stanza, perhaps the finest, of Leopoldo Lugones, who was no doubt inspired by the fift canto of the Inferno.'

'Halfway through the afternoon that day,
As I bid you my habitual goodbye,
A vague dismay at leaving
Made me know that I loved you'

(Myös espanjalainen alkuperäisversio löytyy kirjasta)

Lugones on Borgesin mukaan saanut vahvoja vaikutteita Helvetin viidennestä osasta/laulusta, joka kertoo Paolosta ja Francescasta - avionrikkojista (adultery).

Paolo ja Francesca teloitettiin yhdessä.
Vain Francesca kertoo Dantelle heidän tarinansa. Borges ajattelee, että vaikka parin kohtalo onkin hirveä, eivätkä he voi puhua keskenään, heillä silti rakastavaisina on yhä toisensa - Helvetissäkin.

Borges kirjoittaa:

Dante relates the fate of the two lovers with an infinite pity, and we sense that he envies their fate. Paolo and Francesca are in hell and he will be saved, but they have loved and he never won the love of the woman he loved, Beatrice.
There is certain injustice in this, and Dante must feel it as something terrible, now that he is separated from her.
In contrast, these two sinners are together. They cannot speak to each other, they turn in the black whirlwind without hope, yet they are together.
When she speaks, she says 'we', speaking for the two of them, another form of being together. They are together for eternity; they share Hell - and that, for Dante, must have been a kind of Paradise.
We know he is quite moved. He then collapses as he were dead.

Mestarillista tekstiä Dantesta ja Jumalaisesta näytelmästä.
http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/ (Eino Leinon suomennos löytyy tästä)

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